Protect Our Students and Save our Schools: January 4th at 9:00AM

A small group of individuals is threatening cuts to the Kearsarge School District that could lead to the CLOSURE of Warner’s Simonds Elementary School and Sutton Central Elementary School.

To protect these schools and our district, attend the deliberative session:

  • When: Saturday, January 4th at 9:00 AM

  • Where: Kearsarge Regional High School: 457 North Road, Sutton, NH

SIGN UP HERE to stay in touch about how to oppose this petition

The proposed budget cuts would have DEVASTATING impacts on our schools:

  • Warner’s Simonds Elementary School and Sutton Central Elementary School could be CLOSED.

  • The district could be forced to lay off over 90 teachers and other staff.

  • Interscholastic sports, especially at the Middle School, would be at risk.  

  • Bus service at the high school, considered a “non-essential service” by the state, could be eliminated.  

  • Class sizes would increase, and school populations would be pushed to the breaking point.

  • Staff reductions including guidance counselors, social workers, paraprofessionals and others who help students that need extra assistance at some point in their K - 12 career would increase the pressure on remaining teaching and support staff.

  • Where the district is no longer able to meet its legal obligations regarding special education due to staff cuts, taxpayers will be required to expend even greater funds for out of district placements, further decreasing the educational opportunities for the remaining students.

Kearsarge In the media:


Letters to the Editor from the Intertown Record, December 24, 2024